Here's what we're reading this week about the projects, people and policies driving local development:
5/1/17, Jake Blumgart
Two bills related to Registered Community Organizations (RCOs) were approved by Council’s Rules Committee. Both address developer notification, and both were amended after introduction after input from the development community that would be effected by both bills.
5/3/17, Claudia Vargas
The fire that destroyed new townhomes under construction in Point Breeze was ruled an arson. Many are wondering if there is a link between this arson and the anti-gentrification rampage in South Kensington on the same day.
5/3/17, Stephanie Farr, William Bender & Chris Palmer
A group of up to 50 self-defined anarchists (based on tagging on buildings) went on a vandalism spree in South Kensington on May 1st, targeting upscale cars and homes, leaving anti-gentrification graffiti alongside smashed windows and paint bombed homes and cars. Two vandals have been arrested so far, one from Doylestown and one from the Far Northeast.
5/2/17, Jim Saksa
Councilman Johnson calls for increased, not decreased, funding for the Schuykill River Trail, which still lacks a connection between the Bartram Trail and Center City sections.
4/28/17, Malcolm Burnley
PennPraxis held a forum on urban infrastructure and public/private partnerships on April 28th, with speakers who have been working on examples in Detroit, Atlanta and New York City.
March 2017, Elizabeth Greenspan & Randall Mason
PennPraxis released a related white paper.
5/1/17, Jeff Blumenthal
City Council voted to move $2 billion in payroll accounts from Wells Fargo Bank to Citizens Bank, starting with the new fiscal year, and through a six month transition period.
Consistent with the Center City District’s recent study, Glassdoor also found slow wage growth in the Philadelphia region, compared with national wage growth.
5/3/17, Jim Saksa
A bill to more strongly push for protected walkways at construction sites moved a step closer to passage, with the support of the General Building Contractor’s Association.
5/3/17, Tricia Nadolny
City Council and the local hotel industry are proposing a small hotel room tax to create a fund that would be used for incentives to attract more conventions and special events in competition with peer cities.
5/4/17, Katie Meyer
While the City of Philadelphia continues to improve on its retention of college educated Millenials, the Commonwealth is seeing a net outward migration of this desired demographic.