Here's what we're reading this week about the projects, people and policies driving local development:
3/24/2017, Jake Blumgart
Civility reigned, surprisingly, at the Tacony RCO meeting to review a proposal for a “sex-postive community center."
3/24/2017, Jake Blumgart
Development Workshop, GBCA and Preservation Alliance testify to the Committee on Licenses & Inspections in favor of increased permit fees to improve services at L&I and related City departments.
3/23/2017, Payton Chung
March Madness inspires a group in DC to come up with “Game of Zones”, a bracket for finding the “winning zone."
3/22/2017, Mari Schaefer Updated population estimates for Philadelphia and the eight-county region were released this week…how close are Phoenix to Philadelphia and Metro Miami to Metro Philly?
SPEED: Fast Cities 3/20/2017, Joe Cortwright
In a study of traffic speed and congestion, Philadelphia fell solidly in the middle among a long list of the largest metropolitan regions.
SEPTA to pick Massachusetts-based company to build bilevel railcars over Hyundai Rotem in South Philly 3/17/2017, Jim Saksa
SEPTA announces bids to build first bi-level commuter train cars, does not recommend local manufacturer.