The zoning changes proposed in Council Bill 161003, a 40 page bill with a range of proposed changes, are summarized below.
Key points in proposed Bill 161003:
Density and height bonuses
Deed restrictions to monitor maintenance of items awarding bonuses
Deed restriction for public space to be for the life of the building
Approval and deed restriction at zoning approval, not C of O
PCPC must review design of public space prior to issuance of zoning permit
Criteria for affordable housing bonus defined in more detail
Housing affordability provision to last for 15 years
Payment in lieu of on-site affordable units defined
Retail space qualifying use to carry 15 year deed restriction
Fresh food markets
Requiring 15 year deed restriction
Definitions of CMX 2.0, 2.5 and RM 4 zoning designations
Unit counts in CMX 2.5
Dimensional standards in RM 4
Primary frontages and setbacks
Lots on multiple street frontages
Irregularly shaped lots
To maintain primary objectives of street build-to lines and setbacks
Accessory parking
Restrictions on parking in RSA-5, RM-1, CMX 2.0 and CMX 2.5 to require access from shared driveway, alley or rear street
Prohibiting parking between the building line and the street line
In CMX 3: access restrictions and requirement for Special Exception
In RMX 3, CMX 4, CMX 5: Special Exception required, except for underground parking garages
Loading space requirements
In response to smaller building and smaller sites where full sized tractor-trailer trucks were not the size used for deliveries and servicing